UP FROM THE ASHES: BAD Sci-Fi TV and BIG Sci-Fi Ideas!!!

UP FROM THE ASHES: BAD Sci-Fi TV and BIG Sci-Fi Ideas!!!

“And Only Man Is Vile”: THE STARLOST Ep. 6 – UFTA 007

October 26, 2023

On October 12, 1973, THE STARLOST’s 5th episode hit the airwaves. In it, our intripid heroes come across a group of centuries-old children who seem to be piloting the ark? Can they pilot he ark to safety? It’s only the 5th episode, so probably not. But can they learn about life from Devon, Garth, and Rachel? Of course they can.

This week, Ben is joined by sco-fi publisher Winston Crutchfield to talk about:
* Secret tests of humanity
* Non-sustainable premises . . . and domes . . .
* The garden of Eden (sort of)
* Bad scientific method

Winston’s work can be found
starmansaga.com – Home of The Starman Saga series of novels
dianedetzer.com – Home of Diana Detzer’s books
readwriterelease.com – Where Winston posts reviews and news

Just to keep things going . . . (the counter is not how many times we mention them, just if they get mentioned in an episode…)
* Star Trek counter – IIII I
* Red Dwarf counter – IIII (none this week!)
* Doctor Who counter – IIII (none this week!)
* The Littlest Hobo – IIII
