Talking Heads
Latest Episodes
Steve Sarkesian out at USC, David Aldridge on Gilbert Arenas, Matt Barnes - Derek Fisher bust-up
Bram Weinstein & Marc Sterne
The Age of Selfies, The Fall of Ragnar, Why Does That Priest Have A Musket?
Bram Weinstein...feminist?
Nationals Redefine The Choke-Job, American Dilemma Pete Rose with Kostya Kennedy
Bram Weinstein & Marc Sterne. Guest: Kostya Kennedy
Don Orsillo into the sunset. Do sportscasters still matter? Through the looking glass with Michael Silverman of the Boston Herald
Bram Weinstein & Marc Sterne get existential
Premiere Episode! Guests: Chris Cillizza & Michael Barasch
Bram Weinstein & Marc Sterne: Perverts Get Airtime