

Investing in Yourself: A Financial Advisor's Path to Personal and Professional Growth

September 27, 2023

Welcome to WomenShare: a marketing guide for women in financial services. In this episode of the podcast, Joanna Ehresman and Leah Alter are joined by our first-ever guest, Kristen LeClair. 

Kristen is the co-founder of the 994 Group, a financial planning firm in Austin, TX. She found success in corporate roles in the financial industry at a young age, but more recently found herself starting from scratch as she decided to launch her own practice as a financial advisor. 

During her conversation with us, Kristen emphasized the importance of prioritizing personal growth and reevaluating one's identity throughout different stages of life. She openly shares her experience navigating the emotional challenges that came with her career transition.

As a financial advisor, Kristen knows firsthand the impact she has on her clients and their families and the sense of purpose and fulfillment that comes with it, helping her redefine her own demeanor and passion for her work.

Kristen's journey serves as a testament to the power of personal growth and resilience. Her inspiring story will undoubtedly resonate with many of our listeners who may be navigating their own career transitions, contemplating motherhood, or seeking to align their work with their values.

Key takeaways: 

  1. The importance of financial independence and taking control of one's financial future, especially for individuals who grew up in financially challenging situations.
  2. The emotional impact and challenges of transitioning from a successful corporate career to starting one's own business, including the need to redefine one's identity and establish new networks.
  3. The profound impact that financial advisors can have on their clients' lives, especially during times of difficulty, and the value of building trust and strong relationships with clients.
  4. The significance of considering the timing of having children in relation to one's career, and the benefits of having children earlier in one's career for some individuals.
  5. The importance of maintaining one's values and not compromising them in one's career, as well as the empowerment that comes from having financial knowledge and understanding.
