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The Private School Moment Episode 1: Catalysts and Opportunities
Dive into the transformative world of private school growth as hosts Karl Boehm and Rich Suttie discuss the groundbreaking “Private School Moment” that’s reshaping American education. Explore the pillars defining this movement and learn how to leverage the opportunities it presents for school growth.
Podcast Shownotes – Episode 1
Title: The Private School Moment Episode 1: Catalysts and Opportunities
Host: Karl Boehm
Co-Host: Rich Suttie
Episode Summary:
In this episode, Karl and Rich discuss the pivotal opportunities and trends in private school education, sharing their insights and experiences to help schools navigate and capitalize on the current educational landscape. Rich draws from his 30 years of experience, emphasizing the need for unity, strategic messaging, and policy alignment to maximize the benefits of the current moment.
Topics Discussed:
- The “Private School Moment”: A Unique Opportunity
- The Importance of School Choice Initiatives
- Building a Strong Communication Strategy for Private Schools
- Tackling the Surge in Inquiries and New Enrollments
- Effective Marketing and Messaging Strategies
- Policy and Practice Alignment in Private Schools
Key Quotes:
- “This is a private school moment, a moment in time where private schools have an unprecedented opportunity.” – Rich Suttie
- “Marketing is like an engine and you have to continually put fuel in the form of work for it to continue to grow and move you forward.” – Karl Boehm
- “Taking advantage of this moment goes beyond just having a good website; it’s about unity in leadership and aligning policies with the changing realities.” – Rich Suttie
- “We have a great opportunity to help people with the next chapter in the next episode.” – Karl Boehm
Resources Mentioned:
Connect with Us:
- Karl Boehm
- Rich Suttie
Next Episode Preview:
In the upcoming episode, we will continue our conversation, focusing on how schools can avoid missing out on this moment of opportunity. We will delve deeper into strategies that can help schools capture and sustain the momentum created in this current educational climate, offering guidance on making well-informed decisions amidst challenges and opportunities.