Moving Forward, Giving Back

A Year of Impact
Earlier this year, Life Science Cares Boston presented its first ever Impact Award to the individuals and companies who best exemplify the mission and goals of LSC. In the inaugural episode of Moving Forward, Giving Back, host and Life Science Cares President Sarah MacDonald chats with some of the 2023 award winners including Halloran Consulting, Third Rock Ventures and several other industry leaders about the creative and impactful ways they have deployed the LSC model to harness andmaximize the industry’s resources to support community-based efforts in Greater Boston and beyond. To conclude the first episode of MovingForward, Giving Back, Dr. Yvonne Spicer, the Executive Director of LSC Boston, who joined the organization earlier this year, talks with Sarah about how she plans to leverage her extensive background in education, community advocacy and government to activate the financial and human capital of the life sciences industry to disrupt the cycle of poverty and inequality in the Boston area.