Tunnel Lyght

Tunnel Lyght

Latest Episodes

#32 Depression is a bitch. Dominate her.
January 25, 2022

Ever stopped to think what was the root cause of your depression? I explain the scientific data behind possible causes and how to get yourself out of that funk. In some cases, you don't have t necessarily be a victim of your emotions, learn to stay proact

#31 No Ragrets
January 18, 2022

A do-over isn't possible in the school of Earth but we can all admit that with the least amount of mistakes we could've avoided, the better our quality of life moving forward. Coming to terms with our past is not easy; holding onto grudges makes us misera

#30 Romanticize Your Life
January 15, 2022

We are more than capable of spicing up our life in the mundane cycle we've created for ourselves. I explain how easy it is to tap into this higher state of consciousness at any given moment; especially when we feel depressed like many of us now.  --- S

#29 Thots Rule!
January 04, 2022

Almost every girl I know has been judged, slut-shamed or their name has been circulated negatively, especially during high school. Wish I would've told my younger self to shake off the rumors because no one knows me like I know me and that''s the only per

#28 Mindful or Mind Full?
December 28, 2021

Mindfulness is an essential practice for a peaceful living. The first two limbs of yoga (watch ep 19 for full coverage on this topic) elaborates on what is suggested in order to be more conscious on the way we think and respond to better co-exist with the

#27 Love & Loyalty
December 08, 2021

You are the average of the 5 people closest to you so I suggest you look around and evaluate the quality of environment you want to keep vibing with. I always said we have to make this life time count and you circle of friends will either elevate with you

#25 Politics, Poverty and NWO
November 24, 2021

I normally avoid touching the topics mentioned in the above HOWEVER I realized that's actually the worse thing I can do is not shine light on world events that are digging us deeper into a hole that will completely bury us if we allow it. Hope you enjoy.

#24 Co-dependence VS. Interdependence Relationships
November 17, 2021

The backbone of society is our relationships. How we co-exist with one another can make or break us. Do you ever feel a little too leaned over longing for someone to come bring joy and bliss into your life? It's in our nature to crave intimacy but how far

#23 Pros and Cons of an Empath
November 09, 2021

We all know empathy is needed now more than ever but sometimes we don't recognize the lengths we go through to the point where it's unhealthy. This subconscious behavior can potentially lead to our own downfall. I explain how to recognize these patterns i

#22 Psychology of Physical Attraction
November 04, 2021

The info I share on this episode is from Robert Greene, author of best sellers such as the 48 Laws of Power and the Art of Seduction. He explains the deep rooted meaning of why we attract who we attract and all things within the scope of love.  https