Art Adventures with Custorian

Art Adventures with Custorian

Latest Episodes

#03 Artist Kemi Onabule
April 01, 2021

Visit Kemi Onabule's exhibition Arrival on the beach: While listening, visit the exhibitions as we discuss them by following these links: #1 Kemi Onabule - Arrival on the beach

Art Adventures Trailer
March 31, 2021

Art adventures is a podcast joining artists, collectors and curators in exploring exhibitions of contemporary art. In each episode, we visit an online exhibition. Wherever you are in the world, our audience can follow along while listening and seeing what

#02: Artist Sophie Vallance
March 17, 2021

Sophie Vallance's exhibition was part of “It’s 2020 for F!*& Sake” marathon. Together and we discuss Art, Cats, Accents & Glasgow. Sophie Vallance’s exhibition: Join us in visiting the exh

#01: Artist Elsa Rouy
March 02, 2021

Visit Elsa’s Rouy’s exhibition: Plastic doesn’t sweat: --- hosted by GUTS Gallery & Soft Punk // Other exhibitions visited during this podcast // Simon lee gallery - Toby Ziegler -- https://www.simo