God says, “Allow Me to introduce Myself”...
Latest Episodes
Jesus chooses His followers! After continued prayer, twelve disciples who live with and learn from Him!
Thank GOD He is yet choosing those who are willing to follow JESUS! To become as He is and share HIS Words, will, and way to others!
JESUS continues teaching, preaching, and delivering people!
His teachings and miracles are from God, powerful, and life changing! He has authorit!
JESUS’ ministry moves mighty…though rejected by some
Jesus has begun to fulfill His mission of teaching, delivering, and growing God’s Kingdom! Many marvel at His Words and miracles. Though some doubt and only view Him as Joseph’s son-a hometown boy who had grown up in their midst! Yet, none could deny His
Jesus uses GOD Word against the enemy
God’s Word is alive and power! It is our foundation on which to stand in times of trials/temptation! We must read, memorize, apply, and live it as our daily sustenance! Thank GOD for HIS Word!
JESUS follows God’s instructions to be baptized by John
John has been baptizing those who confess their sins, believe in and accept JESUS and have now entered into a new life with Jesus as LORD! Jesus goes to His cousin John to be baptized; yet, John feels he’s unworthy and that JESUS should baptize him. God w
Wise people are yet seeking JESUS Christ
What wisdom, dedication, commitment, and perseverance the Maji demonstrated! Such a lengthy journey, such traveling challenges (not simply stranded in airport, having flights cancelled, awaiting next available seats). These wise ones who had studied the s
JESUS-amazingly wise beyond his 12 years..,
Though Jesus came to earth as a boy, grew as a boy..He is and always has been GOD! His ancient wisdom is from before the foundation of the world and us as deep as the sea! His understanding is past-finding out!
JESUS dedicated to GOD,,,
Thanks be unto GOD for His Holy Word which shows us the life of our Savior, fulfillment of HIS promises made and promises kept! We thank GOD for committed, faithful, praying servants of GOD who witnessed these miraculous promises manifested!
JESUS is born just as GOD promised. God’s messengers-many had foretold if this thousands of years prior!
JESUS God’s Son comes in the world He created! Not as an earthly king with fanfare, followers, and formality! He wraps Himself in the womb of a godly teenage girl, entrusting Himself to her and a faithful, righteous, devoted, loving, courageous man named
GOD’s power-HIS HOLY SPIRIT does the miraculous….
God decides who HE will use! His power comes upon us, lives in us, and through us to accomplish His will as we surrender and agree with HIS Word, His will, His way!