Healing Hearts and Souls

Healing Hearts and Souls

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108 times chanting of switch words phrase DIVINE GRACE BE TOGETHER FOREVER
January 12, 2022

108 times chanting for DIVINE GRACE BE TOGETHER FOREVER We have our mantra chanting group on whatsapp starting on the 1st of every month. it is free for all to join. message on whatsapp chat +91 9136235496 with your name and city to be added to the gro

Lalitham Sadashivam Lalitham Chandrasekaram Mantra
October 24, 2021

Lalitham Sadashivam Lalitham Chandrasekaram. (eases tight financial situations and health emergencies). If you are in a tight financial situation, this mantra eases the situation and one will be saved from availing loan. There won’t be any financial hiccu

October 12, 2021

It heals Tamo Guna. That is, laziness, lethargy, procrastination. To open one’s eyes, who is going on wrong path, this mantra can be used.

Switch words phrase for bringing magic and Miracles in your daily life
October 06, 2021

Chant the phrase 108 times out loud or in your mind.

Forgiveness Affirmation or Obstacles Prayer
May 03, 2021

Dear Supreme father, supreme mother, I ask for forgiveness from anyone and everyone that I have hurt in any manner, in any of my past lives, across all time zones and dimensions. If I , my family or anybody in my ancestral lineage has hurt anyone knowing

Mantras for chanting
February 23, 2021

This segment has mantras that I have given to my students and clients. feel free to chant them.