Quality Christian Living with David C. Friend

Quality Christian Living with David C. Friend

Latest Episodes

How To Believe God’s Promises Are For You (230)
June 05, 2023

Discover the secret to believing God's promises will come to you. Understand how to remove doubt from your desire for the promises of God. Find out how to remove doubt, fear, and anxiety in your life.

Receive God’s Promises Though The Holy Spirit (229)
May 29, 2023

This podcast will reveal how the Holy Spirit can lead us to receive the promises of God. Learn how the Holy Spirit reveals the promises we need. Find the five steps of the Holy Spirit to be blessed by

How the Holy Spirit Brings God’s Promises (228)
May 22, 2023

Discover how the Holy Spirit brings a promise from God. Learn how the anointing of the Holy Spirit can birth a promise from God. Understand the relationship the Holy Spirit has with God's promises. Ho

How to Receive Faith for God’s Promises (227)
May 15, 2023

Listen to why God's promises are activated by our faith. Learn how to receive the faith we need for God's promises. Discover the secret promises of God. Understand why some of God's secret promises ar

How to Receive God’s Promises (226)
May 08, 2023

Let me take you on a journey to the promises of God. Discover how you can receive God's promises for your need. My goal is to help you connect with all the promises of God. This could be the most impo

Crucial Aspects of Business Ownership (225)
May 01, 2023

Discover the most important personal issues of business ownership. Learn what actions to take to build your business. Learn how God's word guides our steps in every area of our business. What does God

Claim the Promises of God for Your Business (224)
April 26, 2023

This podcast will help you open the windows of heaven to bless your business. The Holy Spirit has given me a step-by-step plan to receive God's promises for your business. My goal is to help you disco

How to Realize Your Dream to own a Business (223)
April 24, 2023

Discover how to make our dream to own a business become reality. Receive the five major steps to experience the fulfillment of our dream. Understand why a dream may take so long to come true. This pod

What are the Benefits of Business Ownership (222)
April 19, 2023

I want you to understand and use the benefits of owning a business. Listen to how you can be blessed in order to be a blessing to others. Let me walk you through the seven benefits of ownership. Disco

How to Start and Maintain a Business (221)
April 17, 2023

How to keep alive our dream to own a business. Let me take you on a journey of starting and running a business. Learn the steps to start your business. We will examine how to keep a business running s