On The Beat
Latest Episodes
Episode 8: The Criminology Saga: Biological Theory
Hey hey everyone! I am so excited to bring you the start of a mini series on Criminology, starting with Biological Theory! I hope you guys enjoy this little change up from the normal format and have a great day!
Episode 7: What The Heck Is A Citizen's Arrest?
Hey everyone! Episode 7 is now live and ready! Big thanks to thesischat on Instagram for their topic suggestion this week of "Citizen's Arrest!" Whether you're a regular listener or new to the show, big thanks for checking us out and we hope you enjoy!
Episode 6: Wiretapping: Effective, But At What Cost?
Hey everybody! Have you ever felt like someone was watching you? Well that may just be the federal government! Come check out the history of wiretapping in this week's episode!
Episode 5: ACE's: Deeper Than The Surface
Hey everybody! Episode 5 is all about ACE's. What are they? Listen and you can find out! Thanks so much for the support!
Episode 4: Operation Equinox: The Raid on UVA
Hey everybody! I hope you enjoy learning about Operation Equinox as much as I did! Big thanks to therearedragons on Instagram for recommending the topic! Enjoy and stay safe out there!
Episode 3: Jim Crow: The Unfortunate Truth
Hey everybody! This week we delved into the tragic past of segregation during the Jim Crow era of the United States. A big thanks to Adam Hallenbeck for recommending this topic and stay safe out there!
Episode 2: The Exclusionary Rule: A Right Or An Excuse?
Hey everybody! In this week's episode, we will be going over something that affects all of us, whether you know it or not: The Exclusionary Rule! I hope you like it and as always, stay safe out there!
Episode 1: Marijuana, Cannabis, That Sticky Icky If You Will
Welcome to our pilot episode of On The Beat! This week is devoted to the history of cannabis in the United States and the crazy path it took to get where it is today! We hope you enjoy!