RareQoL Learning

RareQoL Learning

Latest Episodes

Session 3: Preparing your REAP: Race Equality Action Plan
July 28, 2023

The Race Equality Action Plan developed into an Anti Racist Action Plan.

Race Equality Action Plan for Wales: REAP & SOW
July 28, 2023

Race Equality Action Plan : Statement of Work. The old proverb 'we reap what we sow', is a reminder that we should be careful about how we approach things as our actions have consequences. This proverb has been the inspiration for the development

Rare Equality Action Plan: The R.E.A.P.
July 28, 2023

this session introduces you to the Race Equality Action Plan, If you feel ready to discuss begin the discussion with team members, download the discussion card. Create a relaxed and safe space, to discuss this session.

Inside- Outside: SELF AND ILLNESS: A podcast for Rare Disease Day
February 28, 2021

Inside- Outside: A podcast for Rare Disease Day. Sondra Butterworth from RareQoL talks to Shanali Perera about her journey from being a Doctor to a rare disease patient