RareQoL Learning
Latest Episodes
Session 3: Preparing your REAP: Race Equality Action Plan
The Race Equality Action Plan developed into an Anti Racist Action Plan.
Race Equality Action Plan for Wales: REAP & SOW
Race Equality Action Plan : Statement of Work. The old proverb 'we reap what we sow', is a reminder that we should be careful about how we approach things as our actions have consequences. This proverb has been the inspiration for the development
Rare Equality Action Plan: The R.E.A.P.
this session introduces you to the Race Equality Action Plan, If you feel ready to discuss begin the discussion with team members, download the discussion card. Create a relaxed and safe space, to discuss this session.
Inside- Outside: SELF AND ILLNESS: A podcast for Rare Disease Day
Inside- Outside: A podcast for Rare Disease Day. Sondra Butterworth from RareQoL talks to Shanali Perera about her journey from being a Doctor to a rare disease patient