Advantages To Aging Podcast

Advantages To Aging Podcast

Latest Episodes

A Taste of Taboo
March 27, 2023

Did you know that when hormone replacement therapy, for menopause, had terrible outcomes, they stopped teaching the practice to our physicians? There's about a decade where they didn't teach it and di

Are You Ready for the Third Act?
March 13, 2023

What happens in the third act and what is the third act?  Think of your passion or what you enjoy. How great would it be to use it to your advantage? In the first act of our life, we are too young to

Trick Your Brain by Exploring the World Together with Virtual Reality
February 27, 2023

Jackie Carroll, our virtual reality " Mind Immersion" creator, is back to encourage you!  She shared a sweet story about her father and children utilizing virtual reality.  You see Jackie preloaded lo

Honor YOUR Love Energy
February 13, 2023

Joanne Sapers, love relationship expert is here to talk to all of us not feeling Valentine's Day.  What can you do to enjoy and honor your love energy this Valentine's? We talked about ways to honor y

Get Your Zen On
January 30, 2023

Jackie Carroll, the founder of Mind Immersion, is here explaining virtual reality and how to use it to your benefit for personal development! She also touched on virtual reality vs. the MetaVerse. We

How Great Can It Get?
January 16, 2023

How great can it get? This is the question you should be asking yourself.  Clients, with the help of Debbie Barker; my guest today, can release those lower-level emotions to get them to that point. Ha

Give It Everything You've Got
January 02, 2023

In life, we are all aging so you have to give it all you've got each and every day.  I want you to consider if you just do one percent better each day at the end of 2023 you will be 365% better!!  The

Don't Loose Your Identity In the Process
December 19, 2022

Somehow, we become parents and lose our identity in the process.  All of a sudden we are just Lil Suzie's mom. The days are long and the years are short as most people put it.  Megan Reyes is my guest

Joy to the World
December 05, 2022

Seems fitting this time of year that we would talk about Joy.  My guest Maria Luchsinger specializes in helping women to find their joy again.  She shared a quick exercise, you too can do, to see the

Don't Give Up Hope!
November 21, 2022

Domestic violence is still a very real thing in this day and age.  My guest Samantha MacMillan was brave enough to share her story.  Samantha encourages others out there that are or were in her same p