The Pastors Blogcast
Latest Episodes
Episode 94: Qualified by Design
Some disappointing news out of the SBC comes up in the discussion today. Tune in and contemplate with us how to properly address public sins and the route back into public ministry. Follow Us On Soci
Episode 93: Rejoice at Destruction
Should Christians Rejoice when people or things are Destroyed? How are we supposed to feel and react? What will our attitude about these things be on the Last Day? Follow Us On Social Media Send
Episode 92: The Goal of Completion
What is the Christian Life moving towards? What have we given up the thrills and pleasures of Sinful Life FOR? Follow Us On Social Media Send Us An Email Leave Us A Voicemail (701) 214-
Episode 91: The Dark Netherlands
So, what is it like to be in Hell? What is an eternal existance without the common Grace of God like? There are a few clues scattered throughout the Bible, and today we're taking a look at some of the
Episode 90: The Fact is - GOD WINS
Today we take our hats off to those who are considered Theological Opponents to the Pastor’s Blogcast, honoring them for all the Lord has done through them! And we also hear from Pastor Dave in his se
Episode 89: A Greater God Than I
It’s Good for our perspective on our day in age to study God’s Judgments of nations in the Bible! Follow Us On Social Media Send Us An Email Leave Us A Voicemail (701) 214-6255
Episode 88: In Touch with Reality
So much of our Christian Testimony depends on Accuracy in handling the Truth and likewise in Rational Thought. So be of sound mind and very much in touch with Reality. Follow Us On Social Media
Episode 87: Pastor Appreciation
Pastors, you ARE Appreciated! And if you’re a Congregant, hear how these encouraged Pastors on the Podcast feel about their congregations and some surprising ways we feel loved! Follow Us On Social M
Episode 86: Under Judgement
Does the time we live in today warrant speculation as to what God’s Judgement looks like as it’s happening? How would Future History view these times? Follow Us On Social Media Send Us An Email
Episode 85: Gatekeepers or Puppy Guarding
When people come to Christ, are we eager to bring them into the fold with us and welcome them? Or do we puppyguard the Gate? Follow Us On Social Media Send Us An Email Leave Us A Voicemail