Civitas on Air

Civitas on Air

Latest Episodes

Menstruation poverty in Polish refugee camps
June 20, 2023

Menstrual poverty is on the rise among displaced women who have been forced to live outside of their home countries as a result of war and economic poverty experience even worse menstrual health conditions. In a report by UNICEF (2019), displaced women fa

Niepowtarzalna kultura organizacyjna. Szkice z socjologii subiektywnej | Książka w zasięgu ręki #1
June 06, 2023

Czy książkę naukową z zakresu socjologii organizacji można czytać niczym dobrą powieść przygodową? Razem z dr. Pawłem Kuczyńskim z Instytutu Socjologii Collegium Civitas zapraszamy do lektury jego książki, która przeniesie Was w szalony czas przełomu lat

Society, wetlands, turtles and biodiversity | Civitas on Air & EMYS-R #1
June 05, 2023

"When you’re going on the street and ask people: “What do you think about wetlands?”, people would say: “No, that’s too risky, that’s dirty. I don’t want to get sick!” – says in the podcast Dr. Jean-Yves Georges, a biologist and ecologist from Instit

The future of Europe: breakdown or breakthrough? | Civitas on Air & DEBUE #2
February 14, 2023

Once again, Europe is at a crossroads. Russia's war on Ukraine has revealed the EU's unique characteristics as a hybrid power and has prompted a high level of solidarity amongst EU states vis a vis Ukraine. At the same time, the war reveals the limits to

Italy's new populism: what next? | Civitas on Air & DEBUE #1
February 14, 2023

The rise of populism and nationalism has become a notable feature in a number of European states over the past few years. Reinforced by the Covid-19 pandemic, some governments resorted to less than democratic actions and policies at variance with the rule

Jak uczyć o złożonych problemach środowiskowych? | Civitas on Air & PASSION #5
February 08, 2023

Czym jest edukacja dla zrównoważonego rozwoju i dlaczego jest tak ważna w dzisiejszych czasach? Jak prowadzić taką edukację w akademii w sposób nieszablonowy, ciekawy i skuteczny? Zapraszamy do wysłuchania podcastu, w którym dr Katarzyna Iwińska, liderka

Co robimy, aby być eko? Prośrodowiskowe badania w Europie | Civitas on Air & PASSION #4
February 03, 2023

W jaki sposób Polki i Polacy starają się chronić środowisko naturalne przy okazji swoich codziennych wyborów i nawyków? Czy płeć ma w tym przypadku znaczenie? Skąd czerpią wiedzę na ten temat i czego są w stanie się wyrzec, aby poprawić sytuację naszej pl

The Future Skills and Sustainable Education | Civitas on Air & PASSION #3
December 19, 2022

How is sustainable education conducted in Iceland? What will be our essential future skills? Should we be afraid of technological development? Are environmentally friendly technologies, such as electric cars, equally green in Iceland and Poland? In the th

Sustainability education: when and how to start? | Civitas on Air & PASSION #2
November 09, 2022

In this episode, we look at the issue of sustainable education based on the experiences of PASSION team members from Portugal and Sweden. Should we teach sustainability in preschools (or is it too early)? Is it possible to teach about sustainability durin

What are social innovations? | Civitas on Air & PASSION #1
November 09, 2022

What defines social innovation? Who can become a social innovator? How many social innovation initiatives are in the UK? How should we shape future social innovators? Why is social innovation not something we can teach in a classroom? Can innovative behav