The Mike Litton Experience

“Unlocking Stress Relief: Jim Poole’s Journey from Struggle to Success with NuCalm”
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Welcome to The Mike Litton Experience Podcast! Mike has over 31 years experience in real estate, finance and investing! He’s passionate about being a father, a teacher, a Realtor, an investor and a leader! Everyone has a story and our passion is to help them tell it! We never want you to miss an episode, so please be sure to subscribe. Could we ask you for two quick favors? If you like our program, please tell a friend. Wherever you get your podcasts please leave us a rating. It helps us to connect with quality people just like you! Reach out to Mike on Instagram @littonrealty! Want to meet with Mike? Check out! Thank you for joining us for The Mike Litton Experience!
Jim Poole is an accomplished entrepreneur, inventor, and founder of NuCalm, a groundbreaking technology that helps individuals manage stress and improve relaxation. Jim’s journey to success, however, wasn’t without challenges.
Jim grew up in Connecticut with his identical twin brother, David. Their family, with strong intellectual roots—both parents were Mensa members—provided an environment of high expectations. Despite their academic aptitude, Jim and his twin brother had a more carefree approach to school, focusing on sports, girls, and music during their youth.
Sports played a significant role in Jim’s life. He was particularly passionate about wrestling, and despite his love for sports, his academic efforts in high school were lackluster. Jim attended Hartwick College in New York, initially driven by personal reasons, including a relationship, but struggled with academics and was eventually asked to leave. This experience was a turning point, teaching Jim a valuable lesson in self-accountability. After several humbling experiences, including a rejection from University of Massachusetts due to his poor transcript, Jim worked hard, attended community college, and eventually earned his way into UMass.
Jim’s journey to success took a dramatic turn when he co-founded NuCalm, a technology designed to help individuals reach deep relaxation and reduce stress. NuCalm uses a combination of neuroacoustic software, cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES), and biosignal processing to promote calmness and reduce stress without relying on medications or external substances. The technology has been adopted in various fields, including surgeries, where it has been used in over 1.25 million procedures without the need for anesthesia.
Jim’s story is a testament to perseverance, humility, and the power of self-responsibility. He has not only transformed his own life but has also made a lasting impact on the wellness industry through NuCalm, helping others manage stress and improve their overall well-being.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Jim Poole for being a guest on The Mike Litton Experience podcast. Jim’s story is truly inspiring, and his accomplishments are nothing short of remarkable. His work with NuCalm is changing lives, helping people from all walks of life reduce stress and achieve better mental and physical health.
To learn more about NuCalm and experience the benefits for yourself, visit NuCalm’s website, where you can find more information about their products and purchase them. Thank you again, Jim, for sharing your journey with us, and for all of your contributions to the wellness industry!
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