The Dean’s List

The Dean’s List

Latest Episodes

The true story of the National Anthem and the flag which inspired it
September 14, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Discover the inspiring true story behind the U.S. National Anthem and the flag that symbolized hope during the War of 1812. Learn how the defense of Fort McHenry

Teacher Unions losing millions as membership declines
September 13, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Teacher unions like the AFT claim to offer solutions for a better life, but instead push a Marxist agenda. With blatant political bias, these unions prioritize a

Theological virtues and the true purpose of education
September 12, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Classical Christian Education shapes students into individuals of character, rooted in the theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love. This stands in sharp con

Civic virtues are the only way to maintain a Constitutional Republic
September 11, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Civic virtue requires honesty and temperance as it provides us with the ability to self-govern. Engaging and being taught in the civic virtues is the only way to

What is the Trivium and how is it used in Classical Christian Education
September 10, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen The Trivium in Classical Education emphasizes the stages of learning: Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric. Each phase aligns with how students process information, from

Public Schools prioritize agenda over student well-being
September 08, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Three families file a lawsuit against a Colorado school district for prioritizing transgender policies over student safety. Parents allege that their children we

How prayer inspired unity at the First Continental Congress
September 07, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen In 1774, the First Continental Congress faces deep divisions over religious differences, but Samuel Adams rises above them, uniting delegates through the power o

What type of culture are children learning from in American public schools?
September 05, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Classical Christian Education stands in direct contrast to modern public schooling in America. Rooted in Paideia, it focuses on cultivating piety, virtue, and wi

Education in Seattle and Illinois are being destroyed by Marxists
September 04, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Seattle and Illinois public schools are facing a crisis as Marxist ideologies take over the education system. Seattle plans to close 20 elementary schools due to

Walz’s embrace of Marxist values sacrificing merit for diversity is a fool’s game
September 03, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Charles Carroll, the last living signer of the Declaration of Independence, embodied intellectual virtues like prudence, which are sorely lacking today. As Marxi