The Dean’s List

The Dean’s List

Latest Episodes

Polarization isn’t necessarily a bad thing; America was born from polarization
July 02, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Polarization often gets a bad rap, but Americas birth proves it can lead to great ideas like independence. From the intense debates between John Dickinson and J

Yes, Whoopi, America is still a Christian nation
June 29, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Whoopi Goldberg claims America is not a Christian nation, but I argue otherwise. Our nation's foundation is deeply rooted in Christianity and Biblical principles

Louisiana’s Ten Commandments law faces federal challenge
June 28, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Louisianas Ten Commandments law faces a federal court challenge as parents seek to block it permanently. The lawsuit argues the law violates the First Amendment

New Era Conference interviews: The heartbeat of America is to bring back Kingdom Education
June 27, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen At the New ERA conference in Fort Mills, SC, I interview teachers, parents, and community leaders about American education. Many seek to reintegrate Christian mo

The Left claim America is racist while promoting racism
June 26, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Joy Behar discusses why the Obama girls avoid politics, citing rampant racism. Behar highlights how structural racism deters black families from political career

You can always count on the Marxist Left to fight against morality
June 25, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Whoopi Goldberg melts down over Louisianas new law mandating the Ten Commandments in public classrooms. Critics argue it's about moral foundation, not religion.

Louisiana Ten Commandments law blazes a trail for other states to follow
June 23, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Louisiana leads the way with a new law requiring the Ten Commandments to be posted in every K12 public school and university classroom. Critics argue it violates

Oregon Coach terminated after voicing his opinion on boys competing in girls’ athletics
June 22, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen Coach Parks is right in standing up for his girls, although he is misguided in his proposition to offer a division for the boys who say theyre girls. These boys

Another Federal Judge rejects Biden’s Title IX rewrite
June 21, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen District Judge Danny Reeves issues a scathing 93-page rebuke of the Biden Administrations Title IX rewrite, granting a preliminary injunction filed by six state

Doctors are saying NO to transgender medical experimentation
June 20, 2024

The Deans List with Host Dean Bowen While the American medical association is steeped in the Marxist ideology of promoting gender dysphoria, some doctors are signing a Declaration calling on such o
