Exec Capital

Exec Capital

Latest Episodes

The Evolving Role of CEOs in 2025
August 10, 2024

Host: Welcome to Future Leaders, the podcast that delves into the dynamics of leadership in the modern world. I'm Adrian Lawrence, and today we're exploring a topic thats crucial to the future of business: The evolving role of CEOs in 2025. As the busine

Navigating the Future of CEO Recruitment in 2024
August 10, 2024

Welcome to Executive Insights, the podcast where we explore the ever-evolving world of business leadership. I'm Adrian Lawrence, and today we're diving into a crucial topic: CEO recruitment in 2024. As the corporate landscape transforms, so do the strateg

Navigating London's Senior Finance Recruitment Landscape
March 09, 2024

Welcome to the Finance Career Mastery Podcast, where we delve deep into the world of finance careers to provide you with insights, tips, and strategies for success. I'm your host, Adrian Lawrence FCA, and in today's episode, we're focusing on a topic that

How CEO's seek advice
November 13, 2023

Welcome to the CEO Corner, where we explore strategies and insights for the leaders of today. I'm your host, and in today's episode, we'll be delving into the art of seeking advice for CEOs.Seeking advice might seem straightforward, but for CEOs, it's a d

Hosting events online and physical ones as a way to promote your business
October 22, 2023

Welcome to another exciting episode of "Business Boosters: Your Guide to Growing Your Brand." I'm your host, Adrian Lawrence, and today we're diving into the world of event hosting. Whether you're planning to go online, offline, or even considering a hybr

Fractional CEO Recruitment
October 22, 2023

Welcome back to another exciting episode of "Business Insights Unleashed." I'm your host, Adrian Lawrence, and today, we're diving deep into the fascinating world of Fractional CEO Recruitment. We've got a great show lined up for you, filled with expert i

Building a team capable of promoting an E-Commerce website from scratch
October 22, 2023

Welcome to "E-Commerce Evolution," the podcast where we explore the dynamic world of online retail. I'm your host, Adrian Lawrence, and in today's episode, we're going to discuss the exciting journey of building a high-performance team to promote an E-Com

Using OKRs to improve business performance
October 22, 2023

Welcome to "Business Excellence Unleashed," the podcast that delves into the strategies and insights that can take your business to new heights. I'm your host, Adrian Lawrence, and in today's episode, we're diving deep into the world of OKRs - Objectives

The Bank of England has failed to control inflation
September 18, 2023

Welcome, everyone, to another episode of "Economic Insights Unplugged." I'm your host Adrian Lawrence and today we've got a hot-button issue on our hands: the Bank of England's struggle to control inflation. Inflation, it's a term we've all heard thrown

Fractional C-Suite Recruitment
September 11, 2023

Welcome to "The Fractional C-Suite Insider," the podcast that delves into the world of fractional C-suite recruitment. I'm your host, Adrian Lawrence, and today, we'll be exploring the concept of fractional C-suite executives and how they are changing the