Prevent and Reverse Naturally Type 2 Diabetes

Prevent and Reverse Naturally Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes Distress and Diabetes Burnout

September 17, 2024

Diabetes Distress and Diabetes Burnout represent ongoing emotional and mental challenges in the face of a condition that requires continuous monitoring of blood sugars, food

and drink, exercise, and other life stye challenges.

Caregivers interact with the Diabetic daily and are impacted by the Diabetic’s needs, mood, and emotions.

In most cases, the caregiver is a family member or partner who almost invariably has no medical or professional caregiver background. Diabetic Distress is unfortunately a

part of the care giver’s experience when they are closely involved with a Diabetic.

A professional caregiver can detach from a patient after

the appointment.

Diabetes Distress is the negative emotional experience of living with and managing diabetes. 1

Diabetes Distress isn’t the same as depression. Diabetes Distress is when a person feels frustrated, defeated or overwhelmed by diabetes. These feelings can come and go.

It doesn’t mean that you have these feelings about other parts of your life.

Diabetes Distress can turn into depression if you have these feelings for a while and they aren’t going away. If you think you might be depressed, we have more

information and support about depression to help you. You’re not alone in this. 2

Diabetes Burnout is the feeling of physical and emotional exhaustion due to the demands of living with, and managing diabetes. Diabetes is a condition requiring a

person to engage in strict self-management, and an extensive medicinal regime.

Please remember, Diabetes Distress and Diabetes Burnout manifest differently for everyone. Once you are diagnosed as a diabetic your life changes and you need to understand

your condition and how you are reacting to it.

Photography: Mark A. Ashford

Music from Epidemic Sound:

ES_Inspiration - Megan Wolford

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1 Louise Morales-Brown, "What to Know About Diabetes

Burnout," (2022).

2 Diabetes UK, "What Is Diabetes Distress and Burnout?,"


Diabetes Distress and Diabetes Burnout books

available on Amazon at the links below

Paperback -

eBook -