Why Do Christians...?

Why Do Christians...?

Latest Episodes

Why Do Christians Get Anxious?
March 09, 2025

The Bible tells us not to be anxious, so is anxiety a sin? Is it okay for Christians to be anxious? How can I trust God with my anxiety?

Why Do Christians Say Bless You?
March 02, 2025

What does God have to do with sneezing? Is there a reason we say bless you? The podcast also received its first ever LETTER in the mail (not an email). Join Mark and Pastor Burt for this fun episode.

Why Do Christians Ask So Many Questions?
February 23, 2025

In this episode; Mark dives into the heart of why we started this podcast, and encourages you to ask big questions as we continue our walk with Christ.

Why Do Christians Fast? With Josh Dupiche
February 16, 2025

Fasting is an often overlooked part of scripture. Why and when should we fast? In this episode we invited Pastor Josh Dupiche of Hope Church in Milford, DE to discuss fasting with us.

Why Do Christians Serve? With Pastor Kenneth Wagner
February 09, 2025

What does it mean to serve at church? How can my church serve my community? We were inspired by United Church in Dover and Milford Delaware, and decided to invite Pastor Kenneth Wagner to talk about serving.

Why Do Christians Worship? With Dr. Sam Storms
February 02, 2025

What is the purpose of worshiping God? Why do we sing songs on Sunday Morning? Dr. Sam Storms is the author of the new book, “Understanding Worship: Biblical Foundations for Delighting in and Feasting on God” due out later this year (September 2025).

Why Do Christians NOT Pray?
January 26, 2025

We’ve been given a direct line of communication to the Creator of EVERYTHING. Why is it so hard for Christians to pray continually? Why don’t Christians pray sometimes?

Why Do Christians Experience Tragedy?
January 19, 2025

If God is as powerful as Christians claim, why do tragedies happen to His people? How should Christians respond in the face of Tragedy? Find out in this week’s episode.

Why Do Christians Disagree With Each Other?
January 12, 2025

How can so many people who believe in the same thing have so much to disagree about? Why do Christians not like other Christians? Is it healthy to disagree with other Christians?

Why Do Christians Get Luke Warm? Part 2
January 05, 2025

In this episode we finish discussing how Christians can become lukewarm, and ways to fix it!