Dumbf_uk INC.

Dumbf_uk INC.

Latest Episodes

Day 5 of Being a Podcaster
January 09, 2023

Reddit: r/Dumbf_ukInc

Day 4 of Being a Podcaster
January 07, 2023

Reddit: r/Lildumbf_ukIncThank you all for listening, I'm honestly not the best person in the world but I'll focus on being One. 

Day 3 of being a Podcaster
December 29, 2022

this time with video

Day 2 of being a Podcaster
December 27, 2022

Just Trust the progress 

Day 1 of being a Podcaster
December 21, 2022

Listen just bear with me for this process...Hopefully you enjoy

A Talk
January 18, 2022

Sorry about audio not the best I'll do better next time but I hope you get the jest of what I'm saying  

Topics of the day
September 11, 2020

We talk about The Wildfires and Climate change, Donald Trump, Police budgeting, etc