About The Other Day

About The Other Day

Latest Episodes

027 Salvation Through Generosity
October 05, 2021

Working through an actual sermon this week. Just like old times!

026 The Bible Is NOT A "How To" Guide
September 29, 2021

But it is an excellent "go to" for learning important lessons about life and the world and history and whatever else... 

025 In The Bible But NOT Divinely Inspired?
September 21, 2021

Stories of neighbors and of ancient Jewish leaders. 

024 Why Megan Gave Up On "Quiet Time"
September 14, 2021

Sometimes we have to let some old things go in order to pick up new things that could actually help us in our faith. 

023 Follow The Bible OR Follow Jesus
September 07, 2021

The title of this one really says it all. Aren't those the same thing? Well, no. Not even close. 

022 Were Back (Talking About the Bible Is Difficult)
August 31, 2021

After a few months of radio silence, we're back and ready to jump into so fun (and hopefully helpful) conversations about WHAT THE BIBLE ACTUALLY IS and what we could actually be doing with that relic of history sitting on your coffee table with your name

021 Why Is Drew So Mad?
June 12, 2021

He's not. Or maybe he is. Life is complicated. 

020 Well This Changes Everything
June 04, 2021

We've talked about HELL... Now let's talk about some GOOD NEWS. 

019 The Hell We Need
May 27, 2021

Just in case you thought we didn't believe in HELL anymore...

018 Would Jesus Do The HELL Thing?
May 21, 2021

What would Jesus do? Burn his enemies forever in hell?