Universal Design In Life And Work

Universal Design In Life And Work

Latest Episodes

How Much Does Universal Design Cost
January 12, 2023

I hear it often. "Adding Universal Design is going to be expensive" However, the benefits far outweigh the investment!Learn more about the value add of universal design in Fundamentals of Universal Design, 50% off with coupon code UNIVERSALDESIGNERhttps

Can We Change Behavior to Make Universal Design Happen
January 11, 2023

We all have different abilities. And with universal design, everyone can fully participate and have the same opportunities to thrive.Want change? Sign up for Fundamentals of Universal Design and get 50% off with coupon code UNIVERSALDESIGNERhttps://www.

Can Universal Design Fix
January 10, 2023

Universal Design is more than just a passing trend, its a fundamental change in the way we think about the world around us.You have the power to change lives by applying principles of Universal Design to your work.Check out Inclusive Creation Fundament

How Can I Put Universal Design Into Practice
January 10, 2023

Inclusive Creation based in Oslo Norway has been striving to promote #accessibility and #UniversalDesign and bring #awareness to the benefits of universal design for everyone. Here are a few #principles to follow: - be aware of social #inequality - bring

Mentorship and Connection with Sanaz Javadi
December 12, 2022

Want to know the best way to get connected to a mentor? Reach out! DM me or Sanaz with your passion project  and we'll do our best to help you find your path  forward!#connection #community #selflove #mindfulness #mentalhea

Mentoring the Future
December 12, 2022

Sanaz empowers #students  with the leadership skills they need to build a brighter  future! Join her in shaping tomorrows leaders.#mentoring #coaching #mentor #business #motivation #leadership #mindset #entrepreneur #mentorship #co

Creating a Safe Space
December 05, 2022

Sometimes it can be tricky to find the right mentor. Sometimes, we fear trying to reach out because we don't want to bother someone. Start by introducing yourself and asking questions.#mentorship #mentor #leadership #motivation #success #entrepr

LegaMart is the Future of Mentoring with Sanaz Javadi
December 02, 2022

Every #professional deserves to have a mentor. And with LegaMart, you can join a #community of #LegalProfessionals invested in your #future.#mentor #mentoring #mentorship--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dranthon

Getting Started as a Mentor with Sanaz Javadi
November 30, 2022

Are you ready to share your skills and knowledge with a promising future leader?  Today, I'm celebrating  the mentors who dedicate their time and energy to support the careers of others! Becoming a mentor is not just about pai

Dealing with Imposter Syndrome
November 29, 2022

Impostor Syndrome  is a cognitive bias  where people have to do constant battle  with inner #self-doubt. Realizing that you might be a fake or fraud is in the DNA  of every creative person but it's not something