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Latest Episodes
The Lost Adventures of a Maybe Hero - Part Seven: Discovery
While Leonardo begins his new life in this prison of a place, he discovers some things. Mostly that he will be training to be a superhero now, despite his insistence and no one listening to him on that front.
The Lost Adventures of a Maybe Hero - Part Six: Greetings
Leonardo finds himself in a new home and its one that he finds he rather not be in. However with so much going on, confusion reigns and he can't find a way to escape just yet.
The Lost Adventures of a Maybe Hero - Part Five: The Job
It's time to rob the bank and for Leonardo to stop said robbery. If only he knew what it was he was supposed to do in this set up operation to make him a hero.
The Lost Adventures of A Maybe Hero - Part Four: Scout
Catalina and Leonardo do some scouting of the bank, which also leads to a few discoveries about his past. Leonardo realizes he needs to learn more and trust a bit less.
The Lost Adventures of a Maybe Hero - Part Three: Introduction of a Hero
Leonardo gets his first taste of being a hero and finding evidence. Things don't go as planned and he feels like he's being led around. This is however what he wants, adventure! Life! And well nothing seems rather nice about it.
The Lost Adventures of a Maybe Hero - Part Two: Planning Stages
With an agreed upon idea to rob a bank, only for Leonardo to come save the day and stop it. He and Catalina move towards planning the whole event with Leonardo more or less along for the ride. He does feel like this isn't going well though.
The Lost Adventures of a Maybe Hero - Part One: A Heroic Decision
Leonardo lives a simple life one that has been set out for him by his butler and parents. But, he's bored of wandering about an empty home with only Jeeves to keep him company. He needs change, and what better change than to try and figure out how to beco
All Hail Zip Zog - Part Ten: Revelations
In order to convince Rufus that he is right Zip Zog shows a bit of the stuck in time world and his friends. Something that leaves him speechless and slowly coming to learn more things about gods.
All Hail Zip Zog - Part Nine: A Restart
Rufus finds himself in a strange yet oddly familiar world dropped off by Zip Zog to discover things. This however unravels as he meets strange people who want things from him.
All Hail Zip Zog - Part Eight: Terms and Agreements
Zip Zog decides to shake up his relationship and prophetship with Rufus by showing him some things. Mostly hellish things to try and scare him straight into agreeing with him.