Becoming BioQuantum

Becoming BioQuantum

How To Ascend Your Natal Chart

February 21, 2024

How To Ascend Your Natal Chart


COO, Eternal Gold/ Awakening BioQuantum/ Quantum Healing Practitioner

During a reading, Abriana is able to receive the information most relevant and important for you at that moment. She will present an overview of a your natal chart and observe where you are “hooking in” or being governed by the planets and energies. She will integrate a Divine technology card coding to activate your ascended DNA. Then we are able to turn that point of hooking in, inside out, allowing you to bring these energies into pure expression.

This is a uniquely channeled version of an astrology reading that has never been done before. You will walk away with a code to hold your DNA in the ascended form as you practice stepping into the new you.