Tony Tam

Tony Tam

Latest Episodes

At 51, Hawaii calls
November 12, 2021

We have bought a 2nd home in Hawaii! My wife and I have decided to not wait until we retire or until it’s the “perfect” time. There really isn’t the right time to make a life altering move, might as well take the step and see where

link: Tracy Chou : Inside the life of a tech activist: abuse, gaslighting, but ultimately optimism – Fast Company
November 07, 2021

Very inspiring profile of Tracy Chou’s journey to build Block Party tool to combat online harassment.

Thrive-WiSE Q3 Micro Conference Cheryl Ainoa’s Keynote Session (2021)
October 28, 2021

Cheryl Ainoa’s talk I love how she goes back and forth between management or IC looking by evaluating what gives her energy.

Computer Programming is art, don’t overplan it
October 16, 2021

I've argued that building software is much more of an Art than Science. The teams who follow the agile manifesto strictly over plan this artistic endevor of birthing software from nothing with T-shirt sizing, rule of thumb and or fibonacci numbers in 2 w

link: Protecting a tech company’s most valuable resource
October 16, 2021

See this post from Casey Newton’s Platformer newsletter about Twitch engineers leaking the entire source code. I wonder if there any effective way to prevent this from happening?

Link: Web Developer Learning Path
June 02, 2021

I wanted to share a great visual diagram of the learning path of a web developer. click through for the original image

Contributor to AntennaPod podcast app to keep podcasts more open and free of ads
March 21, 2021

I spend a lot of my weekend time working on improving the AntennaPod podcast app to contribute features and bug fixes in order to help make my own podcast listening experience better. Also it helps me learn Android development. That was WHY I started cont

Coding At Home
March 21, 2021

Music stand for my laptop that I move around for Zoom meetings and I can stand or sit. Double monitors Art for inspiration 2 Pots of flowers to keep my happy Books to keep me learning A garden to keep me grounded

The beauty of being older at 50
March 20, 2021

Being older feel like I have spent a long time with the people in my life consistently, spending 30 years honing my engineering craft. I have internalized more of this world and becoming a little more wiser. I have built small but tight communities around

Unknown Unknown problems
March 11, 2021

We don’t even know this problem exist. How do we know it is even needed? How do we get to a better state with these unknown unknown problems? My co-worker Michael L. wrote an internal page about how he thrives on these type of Unknown Unknowns probl
