Tony Tam

Tony Tam

Latest Episodes

2021 What should be in your toolbox as an engineer
March 06, 2021

If you want to be an effective engineer in our industry, get ready be good at the following Basics 0 – This is the basic toolbox as an engineer Be proficient in your favorite IDE (Visual Studio Code seems to be the most popular right now) – my

March 06, 2021

How do you think about productivity?

Seth Godin: Finding Your Passion – Love What You Do
March 06, 2021

” Do what you love” is for amateurs. “Love what you do” is the mantra for professionals.

When is it okay to quit?
February 15, 2021

Angela Duckworth : When you quit on a good day. As said on Guy Kawasaki’s podcast. Guy Kawasaki’s Remarkable People: Angela Duckworth MacArthur “genius” grant winner, researcher, and author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. https

Working in distributed teams
February 10, 2021

We are learning to work differently No daily stand-ups, just unblocking meetings – so that people with different schedules can be flexible Do short demo videos (< 3 mins) instead of meeting face to share and do them frequently – high fidel

Things that make me happy: Dried Persimmons
February 06, 2021

Nuri Farmer in Korean makes these beautiful dried persimmons, But you might be able to get them here

podcast: Fifth & Mission: Is San Francisco Really Over? (Again?)
January 28, 2021

5th and Mission Podcast defends our great city by the bay. [00:00:00]

Link: It’s Time For Unions In Tech
January 05, 2021

For far too long, contractors, people of color, H1B visa holders are treated as second class workers with no way to speak out as a collective.

2021 Goal – Getting to top 6 contributors to AntennaPod app
January 02, 2021

I’ve had 39 submissions to my favorite Podcast App – AntennaPod in 2020. Which makes me #7 on the contributor list. That was a good learning journey for me. For the next leveling up to be #6, 140 of my submissions would have to be accepted. Th

111 Podcasts I listen to Sept 2020
September 26, 2020

AntennaPod Subscriptions 16 Minutes News by a16z Website • Feed A Place of Care Website • Feed a16z Podcast Website • Feed ACM ByteCast Website • Feed After Hours Website • Feed Akimbo: A Podcast from Seth Godin Website • Feed All-In with Chamath, Jason,
