Todd Adkins

Todd Adkins

Latest Episodes

September 16th Evening
September 16, 2024

“am I a sea, or a whale, that Thou settest a watch over me?” — Job 7:12 This was a strange question for Job to ask of the Lord. He felt himself to be too insignificant to be so strictly watched and ch

September 16th Morning
September 16, 2024

“Partakers of the divine nature.” — 2 Peter 1:4 To be a partaker of the divine nature is not, of course, to become God. That cannot be. The essence of Deity is not to be participated in by the creatur

September 15th Evening
September 15, 2024

A people near unto him. Psalm 148:14 The dispensation of the old covenant was that of distance. When God appeared even to His servant Moses, He said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from

September 15th Morning
September 15, 2024

He shall not be afraid of evil tidings. Psalm 112:7 Christian, you ought not to dread the arrival of evil tidings; because if you are distressed by them, what do you more than other men? Other men

September 14th Evening
September 14, 2024

I acknowledged my sin unto Thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Psalm 32:5 Davids grief for s

September 14th Morning
September 14, 2024

There were also with Him other little ships. Mark 4:36 Jesus was the Lord High Admiral of the sea that night, and His presence preserved the whole convoy. It is well to sail with Jesus, even thoug

September 13th Evening
September 13, 2024

This man receiveth sinners. Luke 15:2 Observe the condescension of this fact. This Man, who towers above all other men, holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners this Man receiveth si

September 13th Morning
September 13, 2024

Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well, the rain also filleth the pools. Psalm 84:6 This teaches us that the comfort obtained by a one may often prove serviceable to another; just a

September 12th Evening
September 12, 2024

“I will sing of mercy and judgment.” — Psalm 101:1 Faith triumphs in trial. When reason is thrust into the inner prison, with her feet made fast in the stocks, faith makes the dungeon walls ring with

September 12th Morning
September 12, 2024

God is jealous. Nahum 1:2 Your Lord is very jealous of your love, O believer. Did He choose you? He cannot bear that you should choose another. Did He buy you with His own blood? He cannot endure