Argentine Mennonite Church

Argentine Mennonite Church

Latest Episodes

With Gratitude to My Flock and Sanctuary
March 12, 2023

As I read these words today, I want to reflect on my time with the members of Argentine Mennonite Church and the practical ways you have expressed your faith in Jesus Christ. There are many things I c

Staying on your Call
October 10, 2021

Today we are going to look at one of the problems the early church faced and how the Apostles solved it. Our passage is in the start of the 6th chapter of Acts. Scholars who do the chronological resea

When Kingdoms Collide
October 03, 2021

When I preached last Sunday, the text I used went all the way to the end of chapter 5. My focus was on looking at Professor Gamaliel’s thinking that helped navigate a very difficult situation. He did

How to Get On the Right Side of History
September 26, 2021

The passage we are going to work with today is something that interests me in a special way because I have meditated on Gamaliel’s approach and thinking for a long time now. The portion we are looking

The Push and Pull of the Apostle’s Healing Ministry
September 19, 2021

Returning to our journey through Acts, this weeks passage you may have noticed is not a narrative of dramatic events. This week’s passage is instead a summary statement of the early church. We saw ano

Equalizing the Internal and External Self
September 05, 2021

Last Sunday we looked at the end of Acts 4 where the early Christian community was at its best almost ideal state. They had an incredibly high level of unity of mind and spirit, they had boldness to w

A Beggar is Transformed in Front if Gate Beautiful
July 18, 2021

Today we will focus on a miracle that happened when Peter and John were going about their business on day. This entire section from chapter 2 to 5 focuses on the events that took place in Jerusalem. A

God’s Rock that is Higher Than I
July 11, 2021

Let’s look at some key points in David’s life in this Psalm, to see how God led him through this tragedy. David Sought God through the pressure he faced...

A Heaven on Earth
July 04, 2021

In Acts two we started with a look at the awesome events of the day of Pentecost. We followed that by digging into Apostle Peter’s sermon which included both a Biblical explanation of these events and

Leaning on Scripture to Illuminate the Signs of the Day
June 27, 2021

Friends we will continue our journey into the events of the Day of Pentecost for two more Sundays including today. Our focus today will be on Peter’s sermon. This was not a preplanned sermon. When the