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Sixty second sample - Christians against Climate Change
April 30, 2023

This is a 60 second sample of the 'Christians against Climate Change' podcast. 'Christians against Climate Change' was recorded at 'The Big One' Climate Change protest in London on the 22nd of April,

Christians against Climate Change
April 23, 2023

Christians have been taking part in 'The Big One' Climate Change protest in London. The protest takes place over four days; the organisers say that 50,000 people will take part. Groups such as Christi

March to COP26
March 18, 2023

Hundreds of young Christians took part in a national relay walk to COP26 to protest about climate change.   Members of the Young Christian Climate Network (YCCN) took it in turns to walk from St Ives

Christian Climate Action Oct 22
October 16, 2022

Christians are taking part in an Extinction Rebellion protest in London.   Members of Christian Climate Action are joining in to raise awareness of Climate Change.   Bill Shaw spoke to campaigner Rev

TUC demonstration in London on the 18th of June 2022
July 04, 2022

People joining the TUC demonstration in London on the 18th of June 2022 explain why they are taking part

The Church and Sport
April 27, 2022

The Church of England is actively involved in a wide range of sports, both by providing Chaplains, and running sports projects. Eight areas - Birmingham, Blackburn, Ely, Gloucester, Guildford, Kensi

Demonstration outside Russian Embassy in London
March 13, 2022

Demonstrators outside the Russian Embassy in London say why they are protesting about the invasion of Ukraine, as drivers toot their horns in support

Harp player Janice Nash
January 15, 2022

If you could play any instrument in an orchestra, which one would you choose? How about one of the largest and most complex - the harp. Janice Nash has been playing the harp since she was a music stud

The Church and Football
December 01, 2021

The Church and Football

Counter-terrorism - Jan Wiszniewski
January 31, 2021

Former Counter-terrorism officer Jan Wiszniewski speaks about being a police officer, his work in Counter-terrorism, and being a Christian. Music: 'Sappy' by Jahzzar on Free Music Archive If you enjoy