The Swinging Palm Trees Podcast

The Swinging Palm Trees Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode #41 with Bamidele Farinre
March 08, 2022

 "The thing about it, my journey to date, is that I always like to tell the story to encourage others in the sense that, achieving success, or, (let me) take it back: fulfilling your dream, your vision, it comes with a lot of obstacles, with trials,

Episode #40 with Nicole Flanagan
March 01, 2022

"Endometriosis cannot be cured and it cannot be prevented. It's not your fault & don't let anyone make you think otherwise."In the month of March we celebrate International Women's Day, and  on today's episode, I chat wit

Episode #39 with Garrison Hayes
February 08, 2022

"I'm not really here to have a conversation about cancel culture, but I do think that we have to be as gracious and merciful as possible when possible, and sometimes that's missing from the conversation, and I hope to introduce that, while

Episode #38 with MawaMaverick
February 01, 2022

'...So when you ask me "why are some governments against crypto?", is because, it's a new space, it's a strange space  and everyone fears change, and of course, at least they think that their  status quo is threatened;...the idea

Episode #37 with Dr. Veena Naganathar
January 24, 2022

 "It's not just a scientific problem, it's also that there are huge socio-economic factors that play into the reason that trauma happens."On today's episode I chat with Veena Naganathar about her career as a medical practitioner,

Episode #36 with Pål Hansen
January 12, 2022

"I always consider myself to be more of a people person maybe, so the photography almost comes second hand; I try to understand the people & what their reservations are for being in front of the camera or what they enjoy about it & I try to b

Episode #35 with Toyin Ayinde
November 23, 2021

"It's hard, it just is.  There's no easy way to do it.  Even when you do understand what you want to do and how you want to get there, there are lots of 'no's',  there are a lot of 'who you know ' settings and scena

Episode #34 with Rizwan Khan
November 16, 2021

"You really need to push yourself; pressure can be validated positively and negatively, but it's up to you on how you take it.  Nobody's going to spoon-feed you in this world, so it's very important on how you get through, but with det

Episode #33 with Kwame Ohene-Adu
November 09, 2021

"But one of the fundamentals of designing any home, be it a single family home dwelling, or an apartment block, is fire safety.   It's literally the way firefighters get in and fight fires, and the way people get out;  it's one of the funda

Episode #32 with Thakshayini
October 22, 2021

"There are some people, in the South Asian community, that will hold lighter skin above everything else.  But there are some people in the world who truly, & I think it's an individual thing, that sees beauty through the heart, rather than y