London Fintech Podcast

London Fintech Podcast

Latest Episodes

LFP231 – Accelerating Monetary and Banking Change inc Debanking, Gold Repatriation & BRICs Gold Plans w/Mario Innecco
July 14, 2023

So rapid is the rate of change in banking and the nature of and control of money right now that today we set a record and have a returning guests a mere 6 months later. Mario (YouTube Channel) first j

LFP230 – Islamic Finance, Fintech & Broader Issues for Ethical Investment w/Umer Suleman CRO Wahed
June 29, 2023

In this episode we dive not just into the world of Islamic Finance and Fintech but the practical lessons we can learn from the world’s oldest “ethical investment” tradition. In particular in an ever-c

LFP229 – Key Themes in US Fintech, Past, Present & Future w/Michael Fanfant Runa Capital
June 15, 2023

The next in our geographic coverage series on global Fintech past present and future with a special bonus of a taste of Fintech in Asia as Michael, a former Fintech founder himself turned VC at Runa C

LFP228 – Does Regulation Need a Phase Shift? w/Alistair Cotton co-founder Integrated Finance
June 01, 2023

Is the structure of regulation in need of refactoring? Do we have a kind of Reg Debt situation – cf Tech Debt – where organic growth has led to complexity, inefficiency and indeed regulations stretche

LFP227 – Fintech in the Middle East and North Africa w/Said Murad Partner Global Ventures
May 18, 2023

The latest in the LFP’s coverage of Fintech in geographical regions and this fascinating balance between the bottom-up and the top-down, between localisation and globalisation of Fintech. As always wh

LFP226 – How To Trade Sell Your Business w/David Genn CEO Goji
May 04, 2023

The majority of successful exits for companies are via trade sale (not that given the media hype you’d necessarily imagine it was anything but IPOs). Furthermore the percentage of companies that list

LFP225 – A Case Study in Managing Astronomically Rapid Growth – 5 Years from Startup to Trade Sale w/James Hickman CCO Ecospend
April 20, 2023

It is a well-known trope that although failure is a challenge rapid success, though more desirable lol, can be too.  In this episode we dive into the fascinating Case Study of Ecospend who went from s

LFP224 – Early Stage Investment & VC Winter or Simply a Correction? w/Ric Schaefer Target Global
April 06, 2023

In this episode we discuss VC early stage investment and whether there is a “VC funding winter” as some have called it or whether just a correction. How should early stage founders who want to raise f

LFP223 – Fintech in India with Naveen Bindal CEO of Enkash
March 23, 2023

Fintech is a Big Thing. India is a vast sub-continent. Naveen Bindal, the co–founder of Enkash which is India‘s largest spend management Fintech, joins us to discuss Fintech in India which was one of

LFP222 – Share Schemes & Equity Management: Opportunities & Pitfalls for Founders and Employees w/Ifty Nasir CEO Vestd
March 09, 2023

There is a real art to how a founder manages his companies equity. If he gives it, or its derivative, share options, away too fast for too little value – whether funding or staff – he will be giving a