Help Humans

Help Humans

Latest Episodes

Power Of Finishing
March 22, 2021

Eldridge talk about officially becoming a certified personal trainer. What could have been 3 month became a whole year. WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: MERCH

Fatherhood Part II
March 15, 2021

Eldridge and Lu-el continues the conversation on fatherhood. They talk about becoming a dad, being a dad, and the model they want to be as fathers to other fathers to be. They also talk about the challenges that comes with fatherhood. WEBSITE: www.helph

Fatherhood Part I
March 08, 2021

Eldridge and Lu-el talk about becoming a dad, being a dad, and the model they want to be as fathers to other fathers to be. They also talk about the challenges that comes with fatherhood. WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: MERC

“Trying To Make It” (limited by lack of representation)
March 01, 2021

Eldridge and Lu-el talk about back in the day being young with the mindset of “trying to make it big” thinking they only had two options; sports or entertainment. They think it’s due to lack of exposure with a combination lack of representation. They dive

De-Humanized By Labels
February 22, 2021

Eldridge and Lu-el Discuss how labels dehumanizes humans. Labels that creates a value scale of human dignity is a toxic label. What if we rid labels off of people and see them past their external, to see their humanity? WEBSITE: INS

The Covid Effect
February 15, 2021

This episode, Eldridge and Lu-el talk about the social psychological effects of the pandemic and how historical shift like the one were in creates more opportunities for innovation to be that solution. WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: @helphumans

The Things I’ve Gained From My Trauma
February 08, 2021

In this episode Eldridge and Lu-El looks at trauma from a redemptive, and restorative perspective. Instead of focusing on the negative affects of trauma; they both dive deep into the positive things gained from their difficult experiences. WEBSITE: www.h

February 01, 2021

This show we talked about Perspective. Eldridge and Lu-el dives deep and share how perspective effects our health, life, and relationships. *Warning: audio trouble at 1:30 - 1:48 18 sec. WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: MERC

Find Your Sacrifice
January 25, 2021

Lu-el and his family of 7 moved into an RV and paid off over $43,000 in debt in a 10 month period on a single income. After moving into an RV and living in there with 4 boys and an expecting wife for 412 days, they sold their RV and now they’re debt free.

Mental Health
January 18, 2021

This episode is the first of out the of many talks about mental health from Eldridge & Lu-el. Mental health specifically from the perspective of two young black fathers. MERCH WEBSITE :