Agility at Work: One Step Ahead

Agility at Work: One Step Ahead

Latest Episodes

43. Agile Leadership and Nimble Negotiation for Social Equity
October 25, 2022

At least for a while, this will be the final posted episode of Agility at Work. More about that in a moment. No matter what unfolds, quite conveniently our conversation today with Rob Garris bridges K

42. Conflict Resilience in Contentious Times
April 23, 2022

The guest in this episode of Agility at Work is our friend and colleague Bob Bordone. Bob taught negotiation and conflict resolution for many years at Harvard Law School. He also founded a clinic here

41. The Power of a Surprise Ask
March 07, 2022

Our guest this episode, in an encore appearance, is our friend and HBS colleague Christine Exley. Back in Episode 10 we discussed her on-going research on gender inequality and how to address it. This

40. Collaborative Leadership
January 24, 2022

Our guest for this episode, Mike Beer, is back with us for an encore. He spoke with us a year ago about his latest book, Fit to Compete: Why Honest Conversations about Your Companys Capabilities are

39. Getting to Yes Turns 40
December 21, 2021

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the publication of Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher and William Ury, with Bruce Patton coming on board for subsequent edi

38. Rebel Talent
November 06, 2021

In these turbulent times, business as usual is a recipe for failure. In our workand in our lives more broadlywe need to challenge the status quo and find new ways to overcome obstacles and capitaliz

37. Getting a Bad Conversation Back on Track
September 20, 2021

Imagine youre emailing back and forth with someone trying to resolve a problem. What if you had an app that would track your words and coach you on how to engage more effectively? Or, for that matter

36. The Conscience Code
August 19, 2021

Richard Shell, who teaches negotiation at the University of Pennsylvanias Wharton School, is our guest in this episode. His new book, just published this summer, is The Conscience Code: Lead with You

35. The Four P’s of Adaptive Leadership
July 26, 2021

The top-down, command-and-control model of leadership has fallen out of fashion in todays complex and fast-paced world. Our guest in this episode, Rob Wilkinson, provides an agile alternative that he

34. Negotiating the Impossible
June 14, 2021

Thats the name of a book by our HBS colleague Deepak Malhotra, the guest in this episode. The books subtitle is How to Break Deadlocks and Resolve Ugly Conflicts (without Money or Muscle). The cover