1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

“Building the Trust of Capability” with Michelle Reina

July 20, 2016

Michelle Reina says trust of capability is when you acknowledge others’ skills and abilities, express appreciation for work well done, involve others in making decisions, and encourage learning. At the highest level, trust of capability teaches others that they can trust you to know what you’re doing, to ask for input when you don’t, and to identify and develop the value that others could be adding to you and the organization. As you practice the behaviors that lead to a high trust of capability, your confidence in your innate talents grows, as well as your awareness of and comfort with your shortcomings. You become positioned as a resident expert, trusted subject matter coach, and a genuinely competent professional.