1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

“How to Move Past “Stressed and Stuck”” with Michelle Gielan

July 06, 2016

Author Michelle Gielan says if we’re feeling stressed or negative about something, it means we have a story in our mind about that situation. And that story that’s making us feel negative or stressed is not serving us well. In any given moment we can pull a full range of facts from our environment and our memory. The question then becomes, “What is my brain focusing on at that moment?” Michelle says we should “fact check” these memories and emotions. Are your memories correct? Do they tell the complete story? Are there other memories you can think about that will help you reframe that story? If a story is not working for you and is stressing you out, fact check it and make sure you have the right set of facts that can help move you forward.