Good Shepherd Sermon Podcast

Good Shepherd Sermon Podcast

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

July 18, 2021

Jesus Can-Do!
So remember his word
So follow his word
Bible Readings Mark 6:7-13, Ephesians 1:3-14
Worship Folder

Pastor Paul A. Tullberg
Sermon text: Psalm 78 SEL.
…We’ve heard authentic accounts from our fathers about our rich heritage with God. We will continue to tell our children and not hide from the rising generations the great marvels of our God— His miracles and power that have brought us all this far. he commanded our forefathers to teach them to their children.
For all time, God’s ways will be passed down from one generation to the next, even to those not yet born. In this way, every generation will set its hope in God and not forget His wonderful works but keep his command-ments. … Like spoiled children our forefathers grumbled against God, de-manding He prove His love! They whined against Him, “Can’t God provide for us in this barren wilderness? Will He give us food, or will He only give us water? Where’s our meal?”
hen God heard all their complaining and was furious! His anger flared up against His own people. For they turned away from faith and walked away in fear; they failed to trust in God’s power to save them when He was near….
They didn’t really believe the promises of the LORD; they refused to trust Him and move forward in faith. They forgot His wonderful works and the miracles of the past… Their repentance lasted only as long as they were in danger; they lied through their teeth right to the face of the true God of the Covenant. So quickly they wandered away from His promises, following God with their words and not their hearts! Their worship was only flattery…
But amazingly, God—so full of compassion—still forgave them! The LORD covered over their sins with His love, refusing to destroy them all. Over and over God held back His anger. He re-strained wrath to display His mercy to them. He knew that they were made from mere dust— frail, fragile, and short-lived, here today and gone tomorrow. … So, like a Shepherd leading His sheep, the LORD led His people out of tyranny, guiding them through the wilderness like a flock. Safely and carefully God led them out, with nothing to fear. …
God also chose His beloved One, the David-One. He promoted Him from caring for sheep and made Him His own prophetic Servant. God prepared the David-One and brought this gentle Shepherd-King. The Lord presented His Servant before the people. This is the Chosen One who would love and care for them with integrity, a pure heart, and the anointing to lead His people.

Take a Moment to recall something from today’s message.
Ask Jesus to create for you opportunities to use your words,
activities and thoughts to glorify Him this week.
We value your friendship and the opportunity to share the love of Jesus together with you!