Good Shepherd Sermon Podcast

Good Shepherd Sermon Podcast

Walking Together!

August 11, 2024

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

Bible Readings Exodus 16:15-31, 1 Corinthians 10:1-5,11-13, John 6:24-35

Worship Folder

Pastor John Melke

Sermon text: Psalm 133

A song of the ascents. By David.

Pleasant Unity

1 Look, how good and how pleasant it is

when brothers live together in unity!

2 It is like the precious oil poured on the head,

running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron,

running down on the collar of his robes.

3 It is like the dew from Hermon

running down on the mountains of Zion.

For there the Lord commands this blessing: life to eternity.

The Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version®, EHV®, © 2019 Wartburg Project, Inc. All rights reserved.

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