Good Shepherd Sermon Podcast

Good Shepherd Sermon Podcast

The Truth of Jesus Crucified and Risen

April 14, 2024

Third Sunday of Easter
Bible Readings Luke 24:36-49, Acts 3:11-20
Worship Folder

Pastor Paul A. Tullberg
Sermon text: 1 John 1:5-2:2

Walking in the Light

5 Here is the message we have heard from him and announce to you. God is light. There is no darkness in him at all. 6 Suppose we say that we share life with God but still walk in the darkness. Then we are lying. We are not living out the truth. 7 But suppose we walk in the light, just as he is in the light. Then we share life with one another. And the blood of Jesus, his Son, makes us pure from all sin.

8 Suppose we claim we are without sin. Then we are fooling ourselves. The truth is not in us. 9 But God is faithful and fair. If we confess our sins, he will forgive our sins. He will forgive every wrong thing we have done. He will make us pure. 10 If we claim we have not sinned, we are calling God a liar. His word is not in us.

2:1 My dear children, I’m writing this to you so that you will not sin. But suppose someone does sin. Then we have a friend who speaks to the Father for us. He is Jesus Christ, the Blameless One. 2 He gave his life to pay for our sins. But he not only paid for our sins. He also paid for the sins of the whole world.

New International Reader’s Version (NIRV)

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