Latest Episodes

The Amber Wars-S5 E6: Hostile Negotiations
June 08, 2020

As master chronomancer Delemmak Orrina, threatens…

The Amber Wars-S5 E5: The Anger of a God
June 03, 2020

As the party discusses their plans to move forwar…

The Amber Wars-S5 E4: The Magus Collective
June 01, 2020

As our party ventures further into Mirromere; the…

The Amber Wars- S5 E3: The Silver Stockpile
May 27, 2020

As the party reunites; they begin an arduous jour…

The Amber Wars-S5 E2: Three Phoenixes
May 26, 2020

As the rest of the party explores Z'Darra and doe…

The Amber Wars- S5 E1: Juicy Boiz
May 25, 2020

As most of the party begins to move forward with …

Season 4 Recap
May 20, 2020

A between-season catch-em-up!

The Amber Wars- S4 E43: Rest and obfuscation.
May 20, 2020

As our party returns to Z'Darra; they take in the…

The Amber Wars-S4 E42: Alma Mater
May 19, 2020

Rejoined with Theon and Hugo, the party warns tha…

The Amber Wars-S4 E41: Escape
May 18, 2020

As the party deals with the revelations that Rola…