Everbros: Agency Growth Podcast

Everbros: Agency Growth Podcast

Planning Too Much vs Just Taking Action | Episode 043

March 24, 2023

Are you a serial planner or do you take action for the sake of taking action?

In this episode, we share differing beliefs on whether you should take time and plan out the right moves for your agency or just get started and figure it out.

There are pros and cons to each method.

Taking Time to Plan

Pro: The actions you take will be meaningful and although will have slower short-term returns, the long-term results can be exponential.

Con: Analysis paralysis is a real thing and taking too much time to plan can cause you to never take action -- making you your own worst enemy.

Just Taking Action

Pro: You don't let analysis paralysis stop you from taking action toward your goals and you're already further ahead than the people who are planning everything.

Con: It's easy to take the wrong steps without planning. The wrong steps can stifle your long-term growth.

We differ slightly on each of these but ultimately, there is some middle ground. Jake provides his insight on why he plans everything out before starting. Cody talks about why it's better to just take action.

Either way, Jake takes time to plan things out and executes quickly while Cody just takes action but is a perfectionist in the execution -- ultimately causing both of us to reach our goal around the same time.

Useful links:

At the end of this episode, Jake talks about a Marketing Agency Owners group on Facebook where a lot of the topics for the episodes come from. You can find that group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/maopublic

At the beginning of this episode, Cody and Jake talk about the best marketing newsletter to subscribe to and even cover a topic that was discussed in it. Here is a link to subscribe to it: https://www.stackedmarketer.com/friend-recommended/?utm_source=sparkloop&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=sm_daily&rh_ref=9731be28

If you have any questions or want to get in touch with the Everbros, reach out to us on our website at everbrospodcast.com!