Everbros: Agency Growth Podcast

Everbros: Agency Growth Podcast

Fancy Tools & Software Won't Get You More Clients or Make Your Agency Better | Episode 013

August 26, 2022

Every new agency owner we run into likes to show off their fancy, expensive software whether it's a reporting tool, CRM, or bid manager. It seems like everyone thinks the next piece of software they buy is going to push their agency to the next level when in reality, it's most likely going to keep you from going to that next level.

We grew our agency to the efficient machine it is without using one paid SEO or ads tool and as of the recording and posting of this episode, we still don't.

If you're considering purchasing new software, ask yourself if it's something you really need. Is your business struggling because you don't have something like it? Or is it struggling for another reason?

We dive into the tools we used when we first started, the ones agencies we used to work at used and how wasteful they were, as well as some of the software and tools we use now in our agency.

Thinking about purchasing a software subscription? Email Jake at jake@evergrowmarketing to see if there is a free or better alternative first.