香城職涯 Career Saucing
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S3E10 [If I were 20 again] 退而不休的前財政司司長曾俊華
#Johntsang #Civilservant #Government #Purpose Educated with nuclear engineering and architecture, ended up being a teacher for some years. Between principal of an international school and civil servant, he picked the later when he decided to come Asia in
S3E9 [If I were 20 again] 身兼保險業界龍頭和初創公司行政總裁的黃子遜
#CEO #Insurance #Insurtech #Leadingwithcompassion “You should be a teacher like many of them (1995)”, “You shouldn’t take up the CEO role at such crisis time (2012)” – two of the many questions that challenged Winnie before she arrived at where she is tod
S3E8 [If I were 20 again] 公開大學李嘉誠專業進修學院院長曾德源
#Dean #Education #Professor #Technologytransfer Benjamin has not pictured himself to be surrounded by students at campuses in the 35-years to come when he first stepped into college in 1986. It took place all because he found interest and value in running
S3E7 [If I were 20 again] 從傳統銀行投身虛擬銀行的開拓者李家達
#CEO #Virtualbank #Financialinclusion #Technologydisruption Banking Service without a Bank. How is that possible? Innovation is all about disruption. Being part of the "Starting Seven", Tat was there for this venture when Fintech and Virtual Bank were not
S3E6 [If I were 20 again] 在價值型公司與成長型公司中遊走的葉承浩
#CEO #GrowthtoRevenue #Carousell #Paypal Having spent most career in top American Fortune companies, William made a shift to a promising Asian startup where most employees weren't even born when he graduated from high school. The difference and the energy
S3E5 [If I were 20 again] 多重職業和身份的跨界領袖黃梓謙
#NGO #Foundation #Trisector #Lifelonglearner An internship journey to India during school time and the book "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman has broadened horizons and pretty much shaped Gary's career aspiration. He is an untiring learner heading fo
S3E4 [If I were 20 again] 微軟香港及澳門區總經理陳珊珊
#CEO #Tech #Inclusion #Microsoft 25+ years serving in one single company is something uneasy to picture. Cally is a happy example. She walked us through how her curiosity on new things attracted her to be an early cohort Computer Science student some year
S3E3 [If I were 20 again] 走出體制的公私營合作先導者陳嘉怡
#Government #PPP #Freelancer #Connector Dialogue with a “Good 100” global citizen. With all pride, Rachel was hired as an Administrative Officer (AO), the role that most of our nowadays city leaders started with, at the government in 1989. Unlike many civ
S3E2 [If I were 20 again] 從戰地回流青年智庫的人道救援者葉維昌
#CEO #Thinktank #Humanitarian #Worldorganization Destination or Journey? Jason became clear with his destination after a college traineeship with United Nation that motivated him to reflect the purpose of education, and he stayed agile with his journey. B
S3E1 [If I were 20 again] 香港科技園公司行政總裁黃克強
#CEO #Tech #Incubation #Futurist HKSTP has not only attracted thousands of local and international startups to join, but also Albert, an engineer by education. Stationing in the mid of the ocean drilling oil and gas was how Albert spent his first few year