Jesus & Coffee

Jesus & Coffee

Latest Episodes

March 19, 2022

Why isn't God doing miracles like he did in the Bible? Or is HE and we aren't paying attention!

Racism in the Church Pt. 1
November 17, 2021

Our first episode bringing in a family that has experienced racism first hand, we dive into real life and bring scripture along with us in the part 1 of Racism.

Divorce and Remarriage in the Church
October 26, 2021

In our return episode from our long break we dive into a difficult subject. We hope you enjoy and find truth through scriptures!

June 20, 2021

Sorry for the delay in our show, this week we discuss footwashing and how it is used in a day where humility is at an all time low.

Family Roles
April 14, 2021

Episode 4 we dive into traditional family roles and how the scripture shows the importance of these roles. We also have a special guest who gives some great insight on their role in their family.

Tithes, Alms, and Offerings
March 30, 2021

In this episode we check into the different categories of tithing and what alms and offerings really are! Please leave us a review on our podcast to help out our show to get into the ears of more people searching!

Alcohol and Scripture
March 16, 2021

In this episode we look into alcohol and what the scripture has to say about it.

God and Politics
February 23, 2021

In our debut episode we dive into where Jesus fits into our political conversations, and where we are missing out when He isn't the focal point!