The AllCreation Podcast

The AllCreation Podcast

Latest Episodes

Called to Care: Africa Exchange (2023)
May 05, 2023

Our first Called to CARE session for 2023 begins like a dinner conversation among friends. In this podcast, co-founders and co-directors, Sam and Melody Harrell, share how their Baptist American-African lives led them to become global l

Cristian Daniel Camargo sobre Caricaturas y Ecoteología
March 20, 2023

Cristian Daniel Camargo sobre Caricaturas y Ecoteología. En este podcast, Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo y Cristian Daniel Camargo conversan sobre el poder de los dibujos para inspirar, transformar y movilizar a las personas hacia otro mundo posible, con justic

Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo, ¿Qué es la “Eco-Teología?"
March 20, 2023

¿Qué es la eco-teología? con Neddy Astudillo. En este podcast, el editor invitado Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo explora ¿Qué es la eco-teología? ¿Qué significa ver nuestra relación con la Tierra, entre nosotros y con Dios a través de este lente? ¿Cómo dialoga

Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo, What is “Eco-Theology?"
March 20, 2023

What is “Eco-Theology?" In this podcast, guest editor Rev. Dr. Astudillo explores the meaning of eco-theology. What does it mean to see our relationship to the Earth, to each other and to God through this lens? How does eco-theology dialogue with Science,

Pathways of Teshuvah, part 3: How Do We Move Forward Together?
March 16, 2023

This is ’’Pathways of Teshuvah, Part 3 - How Do We Move Forward, Together?’’ This recording is part 3 of a 3-part discussion with breakthrough academic, Dr. Pesach Chananiah, and youth mentor / gardener / veteran, Mr. Marcus Kar, on reconnecting to Nature

Pathways of Teshuvah, part 2: The Power of Reconnection
March 16, 2023

This is ’’Pathways of Teshuvah, Part 2 - The Power of Reconnection (to Nature): Divinity, Healing, Reconciliation.’’ This recording is part 2 of 3-part discussion with breakthrough academic, Dr. Pesach Chananiah, and youth mentor / gardener / veteran, Mr.

Pathways of Teshuvah, part 1: Identifying the Separation
March 15, 2023

This is ’’Pathways of Teshuvah, Part 1 - Identifying the Separation: Judaism's land-return.’’  This recording is part 1 of 3-part discussion with breakthrough academic, Dr. Pesach Chananiah, and youth mentor / gardener / war veteran, Mr. Marcus Kar, on re

Pathways of Teshuvah (Full event) - w/ Dr. Pesach Chananiah & Marcus Kar
March 03, 2023

Teshuvah means to Return... Welcome to Pathways of Teshuvah: a discussion with Dr. Pesach Chananiah and Marcus Kar on Dr. Channaniah's breakthrough paper, "Pathways of Teshuvah: Repentance, Return, and Reconciliation Across Time and Place". This conversat

Dina Kunin on Transformation (Health, Connection, Kindness)
December 24, 2022

Dina Kunin is an empathic healer and dog-trainer based in Minneapolis, MN. She begins by sharing about the long-challenges of immigration and ends up elucidating some essentials of positive transforma

Marcus Kar on Transformation (Reconciliation, Healing, Growth)
December 23, 2022

Marcus Kar is Director of Programs at Youth Farm in North Minneapolis, a mentor / healer, a musician, teacher, and community-builder. In this interview he shares time-honed insights about his transfor