Agile Gardeners

Agile Gardeners

Latest Episodes

Pschological Safety: Creating, Nurturing and Sustaining
April 18, 2021

Allen Jellas, Jonathan Howell and I discuss the importance of Psychological Safety within Agile and Agility Transformations. The discussion covers approaches to create it, within the teams and organizations we have worked in. We also cover challenges to m

Change Agent or Change Catalyst
April 12, 2021

Just what we as Agile Coaches, a Change Agent or Change Catalyst? Maybe we are both but what is the difference and how does that change our coaching stance.

Agile Coaches: How BOLD is BOLD enough?
April 03, 2021

In this episode Jonathan Howell, Allen Jellas and I discuss the ability for Agile Coaches to help organizations address challenging issues by taking a bold stance. We explore whether the difference between an internal and external Agile Coach change the l

Diversity & Inclusion: How do we address within our teams?
March 28, 2021

As a follow-on to our previous podcast of Women in Agile we discuss our approach to integrating diversity and inclusion within our teams. Over the course of the last year diversity and inclusion have become hot button issues.  Do we take a direct or indir

Women in Agile: Gender discrimination and how we can lead through the required cultural change
March 20, 2021

During this episode we explore the impact of gender in the lives of our panelists and what actions can we as agilists take to address this critical issue. This is a hot button issue and the language is colorful at times so it is not for all audiences. 

Agile Gardeners: Why we chose this approach.
March 16, 2021

This is a short introduction to the perspective and purpose of the Agile Gardeners. Here I explain why we believe the analogy of a garden works for an Agile Transformation and what we see as the potential value. We hope these episodes fill a need for you

Agile Coaches: Why are we afraid to measure our value and impact?
March 15, 2021

During this episode we discuss a perceived resistance to measure the impact and value that Agile Coaches bring to organization through the delivery of an Agile Tranformation. Is this real or is it an indicator of reluctance to be transparent when we do me