Sista Sista

Sista Sista

Latest Episodes

{THE AND} Friends Edition
August 12, 2021

Hey everyone! In this episode, the sistas candidly answer questions from {THE AND} Friends Edition card game. Although we are siblings, we still put in the effort and work to maintain our friendship and connection. These questions give yall some insight

How to cultivate a friendship with your sibling + WE ARE BACK!!!
May 15, 2021

Hey y'all,  Long time no talk yikes we took a few months off from recording to take care of some personal things but now WE ARE BACK.  In this episode, Sanju and I just sat on the floor and chatted about how our relationship has evolved over the

Get Ready for Sista Sista
September 30, 2020

We're excited to finally let the world in on our podcast, Sista Sista! Sista Sista is an honest exploration on all things that make us human and taking a deep dive into topics that others shy away from. In this first episode,  we'd like you to get to