Latest Episodes

The Meat Grinder of UKRAINE ReVisited 04[JULY]2023
July 05, 2023

MOD Russia Brief , Rybar Volunteers , RIA Novosti , MilChronicals translated & read by 5684. After a long break (attacked & escaped 3 187 attempts) 5684 & Improve Piano return to the EUGEN

Episode 185 - 5684 ModRussiaBrief 02[JAN]23
January 02, 2023

5684 reads (EN)

January 02, 2023

Return To Firing Point Procedures In Effect , Enable...Able...Able...Able So Se 5684. HYMARS FIRE ONE & C

The Meat Grinder that is UKRAINE r22[DEC]2022 & Improve Piano with Wendy. Note: Full report (144min)
December 23, 2022

Full Report , read by 5684 (EN) from Ministry of Defense Russia Brief/RIA Novosti/RybarVolunteers/Milchronicles translated from Russian via Telegram. Improve Piano with Wendy , No.1472 , 1473 & UK

WinterSolus r21[DEC]2022 , ImprovePiano with Wendy 11min. Feel the Tune
December 22, 2022

Improve Piano & Wendy play Original one of a kind. 5684 Russia Brief Not included.... Tipping Point in the Meat Grinder that is UKRAINE. did u see the little boy run through the fields as a Man ,

ModRussiaBrief 17[DEC]22 , RiaNovosti-Rybar-Milchronicles t.me & weaponsFree Improve Piano
December 18, 2022

3rd Option , UKRAINE Latest , Intro Improve Piano OmnoPoten No. 1518 'weaponsFree' 17[DEC]2022

ModRussiaBrief RiaNovosti Rybar MilChronicles EN (22min) & ImprovePiano(23min)13[DEC]22
December 14, 2022

3rd Option , UKRAINE Latest. Wendy & Improve Piano Original accompanies the meat grinder of UKRAINE. Note: "BLACK TRANSPLANTOLOGISTS" of UKRAINE Harvest their DEAD.

ModRussiaBrief 11dec22 Improve_Piano_Thrice__1hr11mn. METO=CENTO=HATO
December 12, 2022

"Black transplantologists" engaged in the removal of organs of killed or mortally wounded Ukrainian military and known since 2014, arrived near Artemovsk in the DPR (Bhakmut)

ModRussiaBrief 08[DEC]22 , RiaNovosti , Rybar-Volunteers of Russia w/ Improve Piano
December 08, 2022

3rd Option , Wendy's Improve Piano , UKRAINE & Associated World Agro , ISRAEL-ARAB HATO PINCH >Iran

Special Russian Message re:Engles Strategic Airbase Russia
December 05, 2022

Important anouncement from Russia on part of their Nuclear Triad attacted by a drone. Nice Caviat OmniPoten 27min.