The Big Cookie
Latest Episodes
State of Play
This time on the Big Cookie Annie and Danielle are having podcast playtime, Both prepare and deliver each other an ‘invitation to create’ kit - a collection of creative objects meant to inspire play.
A Space to Create
On this episode of The Big Cookie, the girls challenged each other to envision their ideal day in their creative space and make moves to fulfill their goals. Annie set out to find peace in organizing
The Ox Went Down to California (Episode 2)
Danielle uncovers a powerful agreement she made when she was young, and Annie breaks open, after breaking a symbolic cup. Both share juicy stories of their past relationships, and rate on a scale of 1
Big Cookie Trailer
Meet Annie and Danielle, two artists living in Kansas City, who are digging deep into their desires, reflecting on their pasts, and keeping each other accountable for their future hopes and dreams, To